Monday, March 4, 2013

Apple iWatch is Jony Ive's baby, could launch this year running iOS

Apple iWatch is Jony Ive's baby, could launch this year running iOS

Apple's golden child Jony Ive is apparently the man behind the iWatch, according to the word on the street, with a release date scheduled for some time in 2013.

Ive is leading the project with 100 engineers reporting to him, according to a Bloomberg report, having ordered 'boxes' of Nike Sports watches for the team to study some years ago.

The iWatch itself is now rumoured to be running a rework of the full iOS software, rather than a souped-up iPod nano system.

Bad battery

Apparently, the main problem that Apple is facing is battery life; the goal is for the iWatch to run for four-to-five days on a single charge, but sources say that prototype models aren't surpassing two.

However, Apple is stil l seeking to release the iWatch at some point this year, a supposition that Bloomberg has reported and The Verge has backed-up with word from its own sources.

When the iWatch is released, iOS for iPhone will also need an update to run alongside the timekeeper - we're anticipating an iOS 7 event around May/June time this year… could that be when the iWatch makes its debut too?

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